Articles on ethics and independence
Articles by Cathy Allen:
NOCLAR: What CPAs in public practice need to know (Journal of Accountancy, November, 2022)
Untangling client affiliates (Journal of Accountancy, August 2022)
Can a CPA loan staff to an attest client? (Journal of Accountancy, May 2022)
2019 SEC and PCAOB Enforcement Actions--Auditor Independence (Bloomberg Tax Insights, Dec 2019)
How a lease with an attest client affects independence (Journal of Accountancy, May 2019)
Yellow Book revisions update independence guidance with Nancy Miller (Journal of Accountancy Online, April 2019)
Disclosure of Noncompliance with Laws and Regulations: What Whistleblower Protections Exist for CPAs? with David N. Mair (The CPA Journal, March 2019)
Multinationals are Facing Tougher Rules on Auditor Independence (NACD Directorship Magazine, March/April 2019)
PCAOB Identifies Key Focus Areas for 2019 Auditor Inspections (Bloomberg BNA Insight, February 2019)
A new take on ethics and independence (Journal of Accountancy, December 2018)
Applying the new International Code of Ethics (Accounting Today, October 2018)
International Ethics & Independence Body Revises Standards for Inducements (Bloomberg BNA Insight, August 2018)
Inside the new rules on hosting services and attest clients (Accounting Today, June 2018)
SEC Issues Proposal to Change Auditor Independence Rules (Bloomberg BNA Insight, May 2018)
How to maintain independence in audits of insured depository institutions (Journal of Accountancy, April 2018)
AICPA proposes independence rules for tech services (Accounting Today, April 2018)
AICPA proposes revising independence rules for information system services (Journal of Accountancy, March 2018)
The Importance of Independence-Considerations for Growing Firms (The CPA Journal, March 2018)
The ABCs of better independence compliance (Accounting Today, February 2018)
How data-hosting services affect independence (Journal of Accountancy, January 2018 and September 2017)
AICPA Raises the Ethical Bar - with Lisa Snyder (The CPA Journal, March 2017)
Improving the Code of Professional Conduct (Journal of Accountancy, June 2011)
Comparing the Ethics Codes: AICPA and IFAC (Journal of Accountancy, October 2010)
A Global Standard for Professional Ethics - with Robert Bunting (Journal of Accountancy, May 2008)
Navigating the Crossroads of Control and Independence - with Charles E. Landes and Lisa Snyder (Journal of Accountancy, December 2007)
PCAOB Rules on Independence and Personal Tax Services: Current Guidance for Public Company Auditors (The CPA Journal, February 2007)
Ethics Rules Get Tighter (Journal of Accountancy, December 2006)
The Engagement Team Approach to Independence - with Brian Caswell (Journal of Accountancy, February 2001)
New AICPA Independence Rules Address Ethics Issues (Journal of Accountancy, November 2001)
articles By Other Authors:
Independence Matters - Douglas Carmichael (CPA Journal, January/February 2023)
NOCLAR: What CPAs in business need to know - Elizabeth Pittelkow Kittner (Journal of Accountancy, November 2022)
Independence trap: Helping clients with rev rec implementation - Robert Durak (Accounting Today, January 2020)
How auditors can stay independent while advising on revenue recognition - Ken Tysiac (Journal of Accountancy, December 2019)
Independence and information system services - Dan O'Daly (Journal of Accountancy, December 2019)
Updating the Statements on Standards for Tax Services - Nick Preusch and David Holets (Journal of Accountancy, November 2019)
The Confidentiality of a Client's Tax Return Information - Caroline Rule, JD (The CPA Journal, November 2019)
A Framework for maintaining ethics compliance - Sarah Beckett Ference (Journal of Accountancy, November 2019)
PwC Bolsters Audit Independence Amid SEC Investigation - Amanda Iacone (Bloomberg Tax, October 2019)
Look at evidence before splitting up audit firms, accounting coalition says (CFODive, October 2019)
Adapting Accounting Ethics to New Technology - Daniel Butcher (Strategic Finance, July 2019)
SEC Guidance on Auditor Independence - Charles F. Smith and Andrew J. Fuchs (Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation, May 2019)
The New Yellow Book: What CPAs Need to Know - David C. Ashenfarb, CPA, CGMA (The CPA Journal, April 2019)
When Best Intentions Aren't Enough - Daniel Butcher (Strategic Finance, April 2019)
Ethical Issues - CPAJ Staff, (The CPA Journal, February 2019)
The Way We Were - Vincent J. Love, CPA/CFF, CFE (The CPA Journal, February 2019)
The PCAOB as Third-party Payer - Michael Doron, PhD, CPA (The CPA Journal, February 2019)
Doing the right thing: the conceptual approach to evaluating independence - Victoria L. Pitkin (The Trusted Professional (pg. 12)
Maintaining Auditor Independence When Giving Accounting Assistance and Advice - Howard B. Levy (The CPA Journal, October 2018)
The International Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants: Key Areas of Focus for SMEs and SMPs - Diane Jules and Robyn Erskine (IFAC Global Knowledge Gateway, September 2018)
Ethics for CPA firm mergers and acquisitions - Ken Tysiac (Journal of Accountancy, July 2018)
Proposal would clarify exception to client confidentiality rule - Ken Tysiac (Journal of Accountancy, June 2018)
Blog: Will the call for mandatory audit firm rotation be renewed? - Cooley, LLP (JD Supra,May 2018)
Lengthy Tenures Boost Big 4 Profits, But What is Effect on Auditor Independence? - Ben Haimowitz (CPA Practice Advisor, May 2018)
New Ethics Requirements for Bookkeeping, Client Portals, and Records Management - Allison M. Henry (CPA Now, Apr 2017)
Managing Conflicts of Interest - Deborah K. Rood (Journal of Accountancy, Nov 2017)
Law Firms, Regulators, Keep Eye on Big Four Move to Legal Services - Steve Burkholder (Bloomberg BNA, Oct 2017)
How to comply with the new AICPA ethics standards for M&A - April Sherman (Journal of Accountancy, Aug 2017)
Has the SEC Awakened a Sleeping Giant? - Howard B. Levy (The CPA Journal, Jan 2017)
The Ethical State of the CPA Profession - Chris Gaetano (The CPA Journal, Dec 2016)
Maintaining Independence with Nonattest Services -Maria L. Murphy, CPA (Journal of Accountancy, Nov 2016)
Professional Organizations & Regulators
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)
AICPA Online Professional Library
Center for Audit Quality (CAQ)
European Commission (E.U.)
Auditing of Companies' Financial Statements
International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA or Ethics Board)
International Forum of Independent Audit Regulators (IFIAR)
National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA)
National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA)
State Accountancy Board Web Sites
Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB)
department of Labor (DOL)
Interpretive Bulletin on Independence
U.S. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and Other Banking Regulators
PART 363—Annual Independent Audits and Reporting Requirements
Interagency Policy Statement on Auditor Indemnification
U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO)
Practice Aids (AICPA)
U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Circular No. 230 Tax Professionals
Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR)
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
Audit Committees and Auditor Independence
Rule 2-01, Qualifications of Accountants
Rules Release: Final Independence Rules (2020)